Combating Threats Outside the Agency Perimeter
Government Cybersecurity
In this white paper, you'll learn:
- The escalating nature of digital threats and how two federal CISOs tackled them
- What authority is required to combat threats outside an agency’s perimeter
- How responsibility is defined in the context of federal policy guidance
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Government CISOs often believe they either don’t have the responsibility to look outside their perimeter, or that they are aware of threats outside their perimeter but don’t have the authority to act on them. This white paper will take a look at the common reasons why CISOs make that assumption, when in reality, the opposite is true in most cases.
Hear directly from Steven Hernandez, CISO and Director of Information Assurance Services at the U.S. Department of Education, and James Saunders, former CISO of the Small Business Administration (Saunders is now Senior Advisor to the Acting CIO for Cybersecurity at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management) about how they identified their intrinsic authority with the help of policy guidance to combat threats outside the perimeter during the rapid rise in COVID threat activity on social and other digital platforms.