

ZeroFox considers its name and trademarks to be extremely valuable, as they represent our brand identity and the standards of excellence we have striven to achieve. These guidelines apply to the words “ZeroFox”, as well as all other ZeroFox graphics, logos, registered trademarks, trademarks and service names (collectively, the “ZeroFox Marks”) used by ZeroFox.

ZeroFox is committed to protecting the ZeroFox Marks. To help us achieve this goal, we have created these guidelines to help ZeroFox customers, vendors, suppliers, contractors, and others refer to us or our services without compromising the strength of our trademarks or our brand identity. Proper use of the ZeroFox Marks is important. You may use the ZeroFox Marks to refer to us, provided that you follow these guidelines.


Make fair use of all ZeroFox Marks.

Apply the appropriate trademark symbols in the following format: ZeroFox®

Capitalize the Z and F in ZeroFox.

You must include the following attribution statement prominently in all materials using the ZeroFox Marks: “ZeroFox is a registered mark of ZeroFox, Inc.


Do not alter the ZeroFox Marks, including modifying any logo or design, adding or deleting any words, or changing any color. You may, however, scale the size of an ZeroFox logo, if necessary, so long as its subsequent use is consistent with the preservation of the goodwill and value of the mark and in accordance with the terms of this Trademark Usage Policy.

Do not use the ZeroFox Marks in the plural or possessive form.

Do not use variations, foreign language equivalents or abbreviations of the ZeroFox Marks for any purpose.

Do not use the ZeroFox Marks in a manner that would disparage ZeroFox, its community or its technology or would damage the brand identity, including in a manner that ZeroFox deems as offensive, defamatory, illegal or unethical.

Do not use the ZeroFox Marks in a manner that is more prominent than your own company, products or service name.

Do not use the ZeroFox Marks as part of your product or service name, or into the name or logo of your website, domain name, Internet keywords, social media accounts, metatags, or trigger words to lead to a website or other Internet destination, product, business or service.

Do not adopt marks, logos, slogans, or designs that are confusingly similar to the ZeroFox Marks.

Do not use the ZeroFox Marks in any areas of your website which are password protected.

Do not say things about ZeroFox or its affiliates you know are not true.

Do not use the ZeroFox Marks in or on any website, promotion or marketing materials, merchandise items or publications without express written permission from ZeroFox.

Do not attempt to claim or assert any ownership rights in the ZeroFox Marks and do not attempt to register the ZeroFox Marks as a trademark, trade name, domain name, or “doing business as” name, alone or (unless specifically licensed) in combination with your own trademarks.

Do not use the ZeroFox Marks in any commercial or marketing context other than as expressly permitted in this policy unless you have obtained explicit written permission from ZeroFox to do so.

Do not use the ZeroFox Marks in any way or on any Web site that contains or promotes adult content, gambling, illegal or immoral activities, or in any manner violates applicable law or regulation.

Do not use the ZeroFox Marks in conjunction with derivative software incorporating modified ZeroFox software product code, or to reference any other goods or services that IDX did not create or provide.

Note: Any web link used in the ZeroFox Marks must resolve to, unless you have obtained explicit written permission from ZeroFox otherwise.


If you have questions with respect to these guidelines or to report concerns regarding the use or misuse of the ZeroFox Marks, or if you wish to obtain our written permission for any other use which is not specifically addressed in this Trademark Use Policy, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for helping to protect the ZeroFox Marks!

ZeroFox reserves the right to amend this Trademark Usage Policy, including any permissions within it, at any time. No other rights of any kind are granted hereunder by implication or otherwise.