
How To Expand Your Social Reach and Protect Your Employees

Watch the Webinar Now

Meet the Speakers

Reid Robinson
Reid Robinson

Senior Manager, Strategic Alliances

What You'll Learn

Employee advocacy and employee protection are two sides of the same coin. By empowering employees to expand the reach of the brand and tap their personal networks, organizations also lay the groundwork to protect those employees from cyber attacks, scams and other social media crises. Successful organizations can kill two birds with one stone.

In this webinar, employee advocate experts, Hootsuite, and social media security experts, ZeroFox, will dive into the mechanics of advocating for and protecting your employees in one comprehensive program.

Key Takeaways
  • The unrecognized marketing value that only an employee advocacy program can tap
  • The potential pitfalls of not protecting your employees on social media
  • Best practices for establishing a program that address both marketing and security needs
  • Case studies on employee advocacy programs that also protect employees from social media risks